work specific
The bulk of "sport specific" work came in the form of rehab or prehab work specific to the demands of the sport. A golfer needs great thoracic mobility, so there will be a focus on mobilizing that during their warm ups. Baseball players have a ton of shoulder demands in their sport, so they do a lot of work to prehab and strengthen the shoulder girdle.. The Paiutes, a Native American tribe indigenous to parts of Nevada, have an oral tradition that they told to early white settlers of the area about a race of red haired, white giants or 'barbarians' that their ancestors referred to as the "Si Te Cah." The story was written down in 1882 by Sarah Winnemucca Hopkins, daughter of a Paiute Indian chief in her book Life Among the Piutes: Their Wrongs and Claims. These "giants" were described as being vicious, unfriendly and cannibalistic. In this story, the Paiutes speak of a cheap jerseys great battle that took place which led to their extermination a...